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International Scientific and Practical Symposium "The Future of the Construction Industry: Challenges and Development Prospects"

International Scientific and Practical Symposium "The Future of the Construction Industry: Challenges and Development Prospects"

International Scientific and Practical Symposium "The Future of the Construction Industry: Challenges and Development Prospects"

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering invites you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Symposium “The Future of the Construction Industry: Challenges and Development Prospects.” The Symposium is to be held in September 18-22, 2023, at MGSU, Moscow, Russia.

The main aim of the Symposium is to provide the sustainable innovative development of the construction industry, to preserve the continuity of scientific schools, to form a new level of training professional staff, to strengthen scientific and business contacts.

The event is expected to be attended by representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, relevant ministries and departments, representatives of the international scientific community.

The Symposium program includes the work of sections, round tables and master classes.

The best reports of the Symposium participants will be published in journals indexed in the international database Scopus.

Form of participation: full-time.

Working languages: Russian, English.

For more information and the rules for the preparation of materials please visit https://mgsu-conference.org/fci-2023/ru.

© 03.05.2024 | MGSU
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