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Delegation from MGSU and ASV visited the University of Colombo as part of the implementation of Erasmus + program BECK project

Delegation from MGSU and ASV visited the University of Colombo as part of the implementation of Erasmus + program BECK project

Delegation from MGSU and ASV visited the University of Colombo as part of the implementation of Erasmus + program BECK project

Within the framework of Erasmus+ program BECK project ”Integrating Education with Consumer Behavior Relevant to Energy Efficiency and Climate Change at the Universities of Russia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh " delegation from MGSU and ASV consisting of Nina Danilina (project leader), Anna Korobeynikova, Anna Doroshenko, Natalia Safronova, Nikolay Makisha, Stefan Shvedov, Irina Chugunova, Mikhail Slepnev and Zinaida Ivanova at the beginning of March visited the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The main purpose of the meeting was providing progress reports, summing up interim results of the project and discussing further plans for the implementation of cooperation. In addition to Russian universities, the meeting was attended by partner universities from Lithuania, Estonia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

In the framework of business trip delegation visited Sri Lanka’s Waste-to-Energy Plant in Kerawalapitiya. In accordance with principles of sustainable development, social responsibility and environment care, the plant has implemented the latest technologies that provide clean energy and minimal environmental impact. Every day 600 – 800 tons of waste processed and the power supplied to the national grid. The residue ash leftover from the incineration of waste is reused to produce cinder blocks for the construction industry, while the flue gas undergoes special catalytic treatment to remove all harmful particles before being released via smokestack.

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